DNN Services

We set up and install DNN editions on secure OpenHost servers in NZ, Azure, AWS or any other server of your choice.

services from v5 through to the latest stable release including third party module compatibility checks, server hardening and security certificate install.

Creation of structured content and delivery via headless CMS or stateless API published across all channels.

Creation of role / department based security for authors, approvers and publishers with approval workflows and auto scheduled release.

Configuration of multi website / application platform with unlimited domain names from one DNN instance running on one server

Automated migration of scattered content across multiple sites into structured CMS with taxonomic grouping and advanced search.

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Animation GIF By P J Pentz

We build, host and service DNN community, DNN professional and Evoq editions because we believe it is the best open source platform on the market. If you are still cutting and releasing raw code in your web applications we suggest you come have a chat and see how the re-use of DNN database driven modules can help you to achieve your project goals quicker and at vastly reduced cost. We can host a website or web based application for you or develop on your in-house or cloud server.

DNN core modules

Let's chat!

Catch up over a coffee tea juice beer wine
and sort out a DNN solution for your business.